Terribly Sad Story - Roosevelt Island Mom With Cancer Chooses Baby's Life Over Her Own
A terribly sad story in the NY Post yesterday about a young couple, Max and Elizabeth Joice, who moved to Roosevelt Island in June 2013 to start a family. Ms. Joice, a cancer survivor, learned she was pregnant a few days after moving to Roosevelt Island. But, a month later, she received the news that the cancer tumor had returned.
According to the NY Post:
... Doctors removed the mass, but because she was pregnant, Elizabeth couldn’t undergo full-body MRI scans and her oncologist couldn’t see whether the cancer was growing.Click here for the entire NY Post article.
The baby was due March 4, but the doctors could no longer wait. In January, a surgeon performed a C-section and beautiful baby Lily was born.
Elizabeth’s health quickly declined as her cancer spread. Tumors invaded her right lung, heart and abdomen “We said our goodbyes,” Max said. “It was like something out of a movie. We sat there and cried. We tried to tell stories, talk about all the great things.”
“Liz came home five days after Lily was born,” Max said. “That one night at home was all we had.”
Elizabeth died on March 9 in her hospital bed with Max by her side....
Learn more about Elizabeth, Max and Lily and how to help the family here.