Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Women Art Revolution Documentary Screened At Roosevelt Island Women's Movie Group Thursday April 3 - You're Invited To A Secret History Of Feminist Art

Image From Women Art Revolution

An invitation from the Roosevelt Island Women's Movie Group:
Women Artists and Friends! See you on Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm for our next movie.

A secret history of feminist art, Women Art Revolution deftly illuminates the under-explored women's movement through conversations, observations, archival footage, and works of visionary artists, historians, curators, and critics. Starting from its roots in the 1960s antiwar and civil rights protests, the film details developments in women's art through the 1970s and explores how the pioneering artists created the most significant art movement of the late 20th century.

Features interviews with the Guerrilla Girls and Judy Chicago, plus footage of Congressional debate about The Dinner Party.

And if you think the art world no longer discriminates against women, and this movie is outdated, read this review of a book about a woman who asked men to front for her so her work might be exhibited.

Suggested minimum donation is $7 to cover our room rental costs.

Please reply and RSVP to and plan to bring healthy snacks or drinks for six guests.

Feel free to invite your friends and neighbors.
Here's the Women Art Revolution movie trailer.

Learn more about the movie at its web site and remember to RSVP.