Friday, April 4, 2014

Report From RIOC President Charlene Indelicato - Roosevelt Island Motorgate Art Gallery Opening, Motorgate Non Resident/Visitors Parking Rate Increase, Sportspark Temporary Heating Done, Outdoor Dining At Pier Options, Tram Station Painting, Potholes & More

Aerial View Of Repaired West Pier

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato sends

Image Of Repaired Roosevelt Island West Pier Deck

the following report to the community.
As the weather warms up, events and outdoor activities are being planned – a date has been set for the Motorgate Gallery Opening, and Bike New York is planning a Spring Kickoff event for mid-May. As RIOC’s new fiscal year began on April 1, the regular fare on the Red Buses has been eliminated and the RIOC Board will soon meet to review recommendations for the award of Public Purpose Funds. Work continues on construction projects and seasonal maintenance of the Island’s roads and fields.

Bus Fare Elimination

As of last Tuesday, April 1, the $0.25 fare on the Red Bus has been eliminated. A refund for any unused fare change cards can be obtained at the RIOC Bus Garage (680 Main St.) until April 30, 2014. If you have any questions or would like more information, you may call the RIOC Offices at 212-832-4540. Please note that this fare elimination is effective for local and express bus service only, and does not affect fares for special bus service such as the Shopper's Bus.

Motorgate Garage

A rate increase has been planned for non-resident and visitor parking in the Motorgate Parking Garage. Resident rates for monthly parking passes will not be affected, and an advisory will be issued before the change goes into effect. You may call the Garage at 212-832-4585 with any questions. In addition, frequent parkers in the Motorgate Garage should be aware that the elevators on the North side of the Garage have been repaired and are in excellent working condition. With easy elevator access, parking on the North side or the South side of the Garage is equally convenient.

Public Purpose Funds

Every year, Public Purpose Funds are allocated to not-for-profit programs that benefit Roosevelt Island residents by providing educational, artistic and cultural enrichment, or contributing to an overall better environment for the community. Applications for the 2014-2015 Public Purpose Funds have been reviewed by the RIRA Public Purpose Fund Committee and their recommendations will be presented at the April 10 meeting of the RIOC Board of Directors for approval.


On March 31, reconstruction work on the West Pier near the Subway Station was completed, and we are looking forward to reopening the Pier to the public shortly. RIOC is pleased to restore this beautiful area to active use and is currently looking into outdoor dining options for this Summer.

Last week, the Sportspark facility was closed on Monday and Tuesday while contractors performed the necessary tie-ins for the facility’s temporary heating system. Work was completed on time, and Sportspark reopened on Wednesday, March 27 for Open Swim and Mommy & Me classes. Although the work may have caused a slight inconvenience to the community, we are pleased to note that this was the only closure of the facility during the temporary system’s installation process.

Now that temperatures are suitable for the work to be performed, both the Roosevelt Island and Manhattan Tram Stations will undergo renovation work, including repainting and platform repair. A kickoff meeting was held with the contractor, and the project is scheduled to commence within the next week. Work is projected to last approximately 18 weeks and is weather sensitive. RIOC will issue advisories to notify the public in advance of any affects on travel.

Our Facilities Department has begun to repair damage done to the roads by the past Winter’s cold and stormy weather. A number of potholes on Main Street, including the area near the Helix Ramp, have already been sealed and filled. Staff will also be working with a contractor throughout the coming week to repair other locations throughout Main Street.

Motorgate Gallery Opening

Save the date – on Saturday, April 26, RIOC and the Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association will be hosting the second annual Motorgate Gallery Opening. The show will exhibit the beautiful murals painted at last year’s Fall for Arts Festival as well as selected works from previous years. We hope you will be able to join in and enjoy the wonderful artwork that has been created right here on Roosevelt Island.

RIOC Advisories

RIOC Advisories is an email alert system that keeps the public up to date on traffic disruptions, emergency situations, construction diversions, community meetings, events and other Roosevelt Island specific information. We encourage all residents to sign up for RIOC Advisories in order to receive community and emergency alerts. Remember, if we can’t reach you, we can’t alert you. To subscribe, visit or send an email to