Monday, March 16, 2015

Can Hamburg Germany Peeback Wall Solve Roosevelt Island Dog Wall Peeing Problem - Also, RIOC Discusses Dog Poop And Pigeon Dropping Mess During Operations Committee Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Island Services Committee (ISC) reported February 4:

Dogs are urinating on the outside walls of Roosevelt Landings under the Main St. canopy. The situation is particularly acute at the north end of the canopy. Walls are being damaged and there are unsightly messes in this area. We discussed a number of ways to attack this problem including getting Public Safety to issue summons, getting RL management to routinely hose down the sidewalk under the canopy, posting signs in the affected areas and experimenting with an anti‐urination spray for dogs.
and updated:
Dog Urination Problem – Roosevelt Landings Management has committed to washing the sidewalks at least once a week except in cold, freezing weather. Cynthia reports the dog repellent spray only lasted for one day. The spray needed to be renewed every day. So spraying is probably not a practical way to solve the problem. We will try to get Management to put signs up in strategic places which state” Curb Your Dog, Violators Subject to a Summons”.
Image Of Dog Urine On Roosevelt Landings Wall and Sidewalk

Hamburg Germany came up with a solution to humans peeing on walls
which may help solve the Roosevelt Island wall peeing Dog problem

On a similar issue, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) discussed the problems of Roosevelt Island dog poop and pigeon droppings during its March 9 Operations Advisory Committee meeting (full audio web cast of meeting here).

RIOC Director Margie Smith urged Public Safety Director Jack McManus to give out alot of expensive tickets for people not cleaning up after their dogs and for those feeding the pigeons.

RIOC Deputy Public Safety Director Linda Marmara reported that a summons can only be given out if an officer witnesses the incident. RIOC Public Safety Director Jack McManus said "I think we have to work a little harder on that".