Good News, No Eleanor's Pier But RIOC Seeking Food Trucks For Roosevelt Island East River Waterfront Pier This Summer
Reported previously that Hudson Related declined to bring Eleanor's Pier back this summer to the Roosevelt Island East River waterfront pier.
However, some good news about the Pier was discussed during the March 9 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee meeting (full audio web cast).
In response to RIOC Board Director Margie Smith's question about use of the Pier during the upcoming summer, RIOC Chief Financial Officer Frances Walton reported that RIOC is seeking to bring food trucks
to serve East River Waterfront Pier with the tables and chairs placed there last summer.
Here's the discussion.
Hope RIOC is successful in attracting the food trucks. The Pier is a great place to relax during the summer with a bite to eat and cool drink.