Thursday, March 19, 2015

Registration Begins For Roosevelt Island Youth Program 2015 Little League Season - Sign Up Now And Play Ball, Volunteer Coaches Needed Too

According to the Roosevelt Island Youth Program:
The Roosevelt Island Youth Program is thrilled to announce the start of our 2015 Little League Season registration.

The league is open to boys and girls ages 6 to 15 years, in the following Little League Divisions

1- Tee-ball (6 & 7), open

2- Minors (8 to 10): 4 teams, and will play their games at the Copobianco Field

3- Majors (11 &12): 4 teams, and will play their games at the Copobianco Field

4- Seniors (13 to 15 years of age): one team and plays most, if not all, of their games off-island

Volunteer coaches are needed; if interested please e-mail Charles DeFino at or call Romance Barber at 1-646-831-9824.

Please register online here as soon as possible, as availability is limited.
Here's the wonderful scene from Field of Dreams with James Earl Jones explaining the timeless beauty of baseball.

Baseball season is coming. Play ball.