Friday, March 20, 2015

Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail Update On Vacant Storefront Windows, Pop Up Art, Urgent Care Facility Opening, Newstand Status And Trellis Construction - Also Goodbye Nonno's, Hello New Pizza From Piccolo Trattoria

During last night's March 19 meeting of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors Real Estate Advisory Committee (full audio web cast here and here), RIOC Director Howard Polivy provided this update from Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder Hudson Related.

According to Hudson Related:

  • The new vinyl in vacant windows should be installed by the end of the week and should add to the attractiveness of the corridor experience.
  • The new art work in the old hardware store is getting installed this month and should also add to the attractiveness of the arcade area storefront windows. We are talking with RIVAA about changing the art work monthly, to keep it active and engaging as long as the installation runs.
  • We are looking into potentially getting another pop up art installation in one of the other vacant spaces, something that a resident brought up at the last meeting. This is in very early stages.
  • We should be done with our work at the Urgent Care space by the end of this month and turning over possession to the tenant who will be moving forward with the renovation work. We expect the Urgent Care to open this summer.
  • We are working on a renewal with Island Newsstand. We will know if they are staying or leaving by the end of this month. They are working out business plans before getting back to us.
  • Trellis is in the process of redesigning their bar area so they do not need to remove the structural wall they were previously proposing to remove. We are waiting to hear back from them when they will restart their work.
Also, as reported March 3, Nonno's Pizzeria was sold to long time employee Oscar and a partner. Yesterday the Nonno's Pizzeria sign was removed and up went

the sign for Piccolo  Trattoria.

I spoke with Oscar last night who promises a new menu in the next couple of weeks.

Good Luck to Oscar and Piccolo Trattoria.