Bike New York Roosevelt Island Art Ride Sunday May 17 - Bicycles Provided If Needed For Guided Tour Around Roosevelt Island To View Interesting Sculpture And Paintings
Bike New York's Roosevelt Island Community Outreach Manager Caitlin Goodspeed reports:
This Sunday is a Roosevelt Island Art Ride that we are doing with Gallery RIVAA and the Roosevelt Island Historical Society. This guided tour will take participants around Roosevelt Island, stopping at interesting paintings and sculptures. We will meet at the colorful storage container under the Helix Ramp (next to Gristedes) at 12:45pm. People may borrow our bikes and helmets. To register, people must email me at
Our 2nd Annual Spring :Kickoff Party will take place on Saturday, May 30, 2105 from 11am - 4pm at the Capobianco basketball court. This year's activities will include a Learn to Ride - Kids class, Daisy Mays BBQ, a FREE bike raffle, a bike decorating contest, and more! It's going to be a lot of fun.