Mausam Curry N Bites Indian Food Truck Serving Roosevelt Island Lunch & Dinner This Weekend From 12- 9 PM On Main Street Near The Subway Station - Weekdays 5 - 8 PM Too
As reported earlier this week, Mausam Curry N Bites Indian Food Truck will be serving dinner on Roosevelt Island weekdays from 5-8 PM on Main Street near the F Train Subway Station
across from the Starbucks.
The Indian Food Truck will also be serving Roosevelt Island this weekend 12 -9 PM at the same location.
🙏#weekend twist Indian savory flavors with #CurryKing👑 #Roosevelt #Island #today #lunch and dinner 12-10pm— mausamnyc (@mausamnyc) May 16, 2015
Give Curry N Bites Indian Food Truck menu a taste, Take a meal home or eat outside.Food options are good for Roosevelt Island.
UPDATE 6:30 PM - Line waiting for Curry N Bites food truck
this evening.