Roosevelt Island Is Good Enough For Citibike Spring Promotional Ad But Not For CitiBike Station
The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse is offended that Citibike uses the view from Roosevelt Island for promotional purposes yet refuses to place or plan for a CitiBike docking station on Roosevelt Island.
WTF @CitiBikeNYC? If you refuse to serve @Rooseveltisland, you don't get to use it in your promotional material.
— Mark Lyon (@markhlyon) May 7, 2015
As previously reported, Roosevelt Island was the NYC neighborhood with the most requests for a Citibike station yet is not in Citibke future expansion plans for Phase 2 (which includes Upper East Side of Community Board 8 but not the Roosevelt Island portion of CB 8)or
phase 3.
In October 2014, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato addressed issue of bike sharing:
RIOC strongly believes in increasing the amount of bike safety education and amenities available on Roosevelt Island, and we are pleased with the current state of our successful partnership with Bike New York. However, the Island's infrastructure is not currently ready to handle a large increase in cyclist traffic. Before bike sharing can come to the Island, a master plan for the implementation of bike paths and traffic infrastructure that can accommodate cyclists, pedestrians and motorists in our community needs to be designed and implemented. We plan to work with private entities such as Cornell Tech in order to create this plan and look forward to putting an innovative, inclusive strategy in place. ...Here's May 6 NYC Department of Transportation Citibike presentation to Community Board 8 showing locations of future Upper East Side bike stations.
More on Roosevelt Island bike sharing at these previous posts.