Tuesday, March 1, 2016

On Roosevelt Island We - Children's Poster Campaign To Highlight What Makes Roosevelt Island Special

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator (RIPN) Eva Bosbach reports:

Roosevelt Island Parents’ Network (RIPN) and the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) invite the children to participate in the ON ROOSEVELT ISLAND WE campaign by sharing ideas about what makes our Island so special! We believe in creative power of children and their genuine desire to be useful. We also know how much they appreciate Roosevelt Island and wish to make it a better place for all. Please use the space below to make a drawing and description of your proposal and deliver it to 455 Main Street front desk, attention: Leila.

Posters with children’s work will be reproduced and distributed on Main Street and Red Bus.

We thank Lynne Strong-Shinozaki and the RIRA Social Cultural and Education Committee for this initiative, Leila Vujosevic for chairing the RIRA "On Roosevelt Island We.." subcommittee, Adib Mansour for designing the flyers, and all the Island children's groups and children for their participation!

For more information please contact RIPN: eva.bosbach@gmail.com or the On RI We committee.

UPDATE 10:30 AM - Here's an example from the Roosevelt Island Brownie Girl Scout Troop 3001 of On Roosevelt Island We poster.

More examples here.