Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) March 2016 Common Council Meeting Tonight, You're Invited To Attend And Raise Issues Of Concern - Cherry Blossom Festival, Easter Egg Hunt And Ethics Review Among Items On Agenda
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will meet this evening, March 2, at 8:00 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).
As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a Public Session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.
Here's the Agenda.
If at all possible, please arrive a half-hour early to help set up tables and chairsYou can still fill out the RIRA Community Polling Survey Initiative
Date: Wednesday, February 2nd, 2016
Time & Place: 8:00 pm, Church of Good Shepard, Basement
1. Public Session (please sign-in to be placed on the Public Session Speaking List)
2. Roll Call of Common Council Members
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
a. February 3, 2016 Common Council Session
5. Committee Reports
a. SC&E Committee
i. SC&E Committee Report
ii. “On Roosevelt Island We ...” Sub-Committee Report
iii. Motion to Allocate up to $900 for 2016 RIRA Annual Egg Hunt on March 26, 2016
Movants: Lynne Strong-Shinozaki, SC&E Chair and Shauna Howard, Egg Hunt Sub-Committee Chair
iv. Motion to Allocate up to $3000 for 2016 RIRA Cherry Blossom Festival on April 30, 2016
Movants: Lynne Strong-Shinozaki, SC&E Chair and Lydia Tang, Cherry Blossom Sub-Committee Chair
v. Resolution to Allow Use of PayPal for Receipt of Payment for SC&E Committee Events
Movant: Lynne Strong-Shinozaki, SC&E Chair
b. Ethics Ad Hoc Committee
i. Ethics Committee Report
ii. Resolution to Retain Lawyer’s Alliance for New York and Payment of Retainer Fee for Legal Review of Ethics and By-Laws for Compliance with New York State Laws Movant: Mickey Rindler, Ethics Ad Hoc Committee Chair
iii. Motion to Reimburse Mickey Rindler New York State Fee for Obtaining Certified Copy of RIRA Certificate of Incorporation Movant: Mickey Rindler, Ethics Ad Hoc Committee Chair
6. Old Business
a. Tabled Resolution to Increase RIOC’s Public Purpose Funds Movant: Aaron Hamburger, as Southtown Representative
7. New Business
to tell RIRA about your Roosevelt Island community concerns.