Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Twice Weekly RI MoM Walking And Exercise Group Boot Camp Meeting Thursday Morning March 3 At Tram Kiosk, Dads Welcome - Meeting On Mondays Too
According to the the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network:
We are looking forward to seeing you Thursday, March 3rd for the RI Parents' Network's free RI Moms on the Move (RI MoM) walk and bootcamp exercise. Parents with children of all ages are welcome.
Renate will meet everyone at the tram kiosk at 9:30 a.m. for the walk. Amy will lead the bootcamp exercise in the 405 Main Street playroom at 10:15 a.m. Come dressed to sweat!
Due to popular demand we are meeting twice a week at the moment, mostly on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30am at the Tram kiosk and later around 10am in the playrooms. Not a problem at all if you are late, join us at any time!
How RI MoM works: We meet at the Tram kiosk and go for a walk if everyone is up for it first. Moms (dads are welcome, too!) bring strollers and children of any age. After the walk we go to one of the playrooms where the kids can play and we can chat and/or exercise. All for free.
We hope you can join us! :)
Feel free to contact us for more information on the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network.