Wednesday, September 28, 2016

RIOC Says No New Southbound Red Bus Stop For Front Of Rivercross Building - In Part Because It Would Eliminate 4 Main Street Parking Spaces

Reported August 1:

Is an additional Roosevelt Island Southbound Red Bus stop needed between the current Good Shepherd and Riverwalk stops?

A reader suggests:
.... a bus stop between the church and the next stop. I go to The doctors office and it's a long walk from the church to the Drs office. When you're  not feeling good or it is extremely hot you don't feel like walking that far.
I have heard similar requests for a southbound Rivercross Red Bus Stop

Image of Proposed Red Bus Stop In Front Of Rivercross Building

from others

Red Bus Passing Rivercross Building On Way To Riverwalk Stop

as well.
And n response, RIOC Transportation manager Cy Opperman replied :
...we are evaluating the request for a bus stop at 507 Main Street....
I followed up with RIOC asking for an update last week. RIOC Acting President Susan Rosenthal replied:
For now, there will not be an additional stop there---in part, because it would eliminate 4 parking spaces on Main Street.