Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Residents Spot Large Barge And Crane In East River Next To Roosevelt Island Southtown Riverwalk Buildings - Ask What Is Going On?

Residents spotted a huge crane mounted on a barge in the East River (Queens side) adjacent to Roosevelt Island's Souththown Riverwalk buildings

today with plenty of workers in construction hard hats and yellow vests


What was going on? Some thought it might be fixing Hurricane Sandy damage,
the beginning of work on the Roosevelt Island East River Ferry Dock or start of construction on new Riverwalk building 8.

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal what was going on. Ms Rosenthal provided the answer:
New York City Transit and its sub-contractor Simpson & Brown are replacing anodes on the East Side of Roosevelt Island bulkhead to protect the steel shell of the 63rd St tunnel.

They have a permit from RIOC.