Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Completion Of Roosevelt Island Sportspark Facility Renovation Delayed Until New Year - But May Be Sooner Says RIOC

The Roosevelt Island Sportspark facility

 Sportspark Image From Google Maps

closed temporarily last August 15 for renovations scheduled to be completed before Thanksgiving 2016.

Image From RIOC

As reported August 11:
... the Roosevelt Island Sportspark Facility will close temporarily starting about August 15, 2016 for renovations to include the installation of a new roof, a new boiler and repairs to the pool. The Sportspark facility will probably re-open by Thanksgiving

No work will be done during these renovations for improvements to the locker rooms and showers....
Yesterday, Roosevelt Island residents asked:
Sports park?

Have you heard any updates?

Have heard a few rumors but wasn't sure if there was an official word from RIOC.

Thanks for any info!
Another resident inquired:
What about Sportspark’s pool?

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Susan Rosenthal:
Any update on what is happening at Sportspark and when it will reopen?
Ms. Rosenthal replied:
I wish I had better news. We had problems obtaining a pool vendor and after finally contracting with one, work commenced yesterday. The skylights were delayed and thus, the roof is not completed and the boiler completion is awaiting the plumbing permit. To be conservative, everything will be done by the new year---it may be sooner.