Monday, January 23, 2017

150 Roosevelt Island Residents Participate In Saturday's New York City Women's March - Next Step Is Social Action To Fight The Good Fight Decides Marchers

A contingent of Roosevelt Island residents made their presence known during last Saturday's New York City Women's March. Helena Blumen shares this photo of banner held at the March proclaiming:

We, The People Of Roosevelt Island.
Image From Helena Blumen

and Janet Falk gives her account of participating in the New York City Women's March:
Report from the Women's March in New York City.

I attended the march with a group of about 150 people from Roosevelt Island. We gathered at 59th Street and Second Avenue. We walked down Second Avenue, which was closed to traffic below 57th Street. We waited at 49th and Second Avenue for two hours, thinking we would go to Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, but the call to go forward never came. A small group peeled off and headed there. I went with another small group, seeing people moving north on Third Avenue; we headed west on 49th Street. When we got to Third Avenue, there were no cars in the street. It was like the line in the film Woodstock: "New York City is closed, man." We headed up to 51st Street, then went west again to Lexington Avenue.

We continued west to Fifth Avenue. Nuns outside St. Patrick's cathedral waved to us. At Fifth Avenue, we merged into the crowd, first on the sidewalk, then later on the street itself. When we were near St. Thomas Church, the carillon played music: "This Land is Your Land," "America the Beautiful", "Amazing Grace" and then "The Star Spangled Banner." That brought tears to my eyes and to others of the group as well. The entire march was peaceful, some chanting (This is what democracy looks like), some anti-Trump slogans. It was young and old, diversity at its finest. The march ended at 55th Street, and we dispersed, heading toward the subway at 56th/57th and 6th Avenue.

It was an amazing day, both for the camaraderie of everyone sharing and photographing their signs, guesstimating the size of the crowds, cheering when helicopters and drones appeared overhead to photograph the enormous size of the crowds and feeling that you were a part of something bigger than yourself.

Over drinks at Riverwalk, we decided to form a group for Social Action in connection with the Roosevelt Island Seniors Association, to keep our elected officials aware of our concerns and keep them motivated to fight the good fight. Schumer, Gillibrand and Maloney have a tough road ahead. They need to know that we support them and are keeping our eyes on them.

I am so glad I went.
Roosevelt Island Historical Society President shares these photos of some Roosevelt Island Women's Marchers and adds:
I really was thrilled to participate.

Though we did not do the full march,

the enthusiasm, and sincerity of the marchers

was apparent.
Here's an interesting discussion about whether the January 21 Women's March

will have any lasting impact.

Maybe it will on Roosevelt Island. It's up to you.

UPDATE 6:15 PM - A reader suggests 10 actions for 100 days.