Sunday, January 22, 2017

You're Invited To Roosevelt Island Community Coalition Annual Board Election Meeting Monday, January 23 - Get Update On Cornell Tech Campus Issues, Transportation, Ferry, New Hotel, PS/IS 217 Adoption And Unfulfilled Funding Promise By NY State

The Roosevelt Island Community Coalition (RICC): an advocate for the health and well being of the Island community and its organizations during the Cornell development. We work to urge the fulfillment of Cornell's verbal and written commitments to the community....
RICC Board member Judy Buck invites the Roosevelt Island public to its annual Board election meeting tomorrow evening. Ms. Buck reports:
RICC 2017 Board Election Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Community Coalition (RICC) will hold its annual Board election meeting on Monday, January 23, 2017, 6:45 PM - 8 PM, at 546 Main Street, 12th Floor Conference Room.

All Island residents are welcome, but attendance of RICC membership is especially important, as RICC requires a quorum in order to nominate and vote for a new Board of Directors.

With just six months to go before Cornell-Tech officially “opens,” there are issues to discuss. Current board members will report briefly on transportation issues, the new ferry, the Cornell Tech Hotel, Cornell adoption of PS217 -- and the as-yet-unfulfilled promise of New York State funding to Roosevelt Island. Members are invited to comment, raise new issues, make suggestions.

Light refreshments will be served.
More on the unfulfilled funding promise to Roosevelt Island by New York State at this prior post.

Watch a very cool time lapse video of the Cornell Tech campus construction starting with the demolition of Goldwater Hospital to now.