Thursday, January 26, 2017

Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage Becomes 1980's Greyhound Bus Station Today For Filming Of The Americans FX TV Show

What's going on at the Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage?

The Twitterverse reports:
Image From Farkhod Aliev

A resident reported today:
Yesterday, I saw this at the Motorgate.

I'm excited to see a bus terminal on RI. Do you know more about it?
The Motorgate Atrium has bus departure schedules

Images From Mircea Nicolescu

and a seated waiting area.

Image From Mircea Nicolescu

What's the explanation?

Turns out the Russians are coming to Roosevelt Island. The Americans, an excellent FX Channel TV program about a Russian husband and wife spy team in 1980's America is filming today at the Motorgate Garage.