Main Street Retail Master Lease Amendment With Hudson Related And Two New Diesel Red Bus Purchases Among Items On Agenda For April 20 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Board Of Directors Meeting
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors will meet tomorrow evening, April 20 at the Cultural Center (548 Main Street).
Prior to the start of the RIOC Board meeting, there will be a public comment period. Sign up here to speak at the meeting.
Among the items on the Agenda is the amendment of the Master Retail Lease with Hudson Related and the purchase of two new diesel Red Buses.
The Master Retail Lease item was added to the Agenda late today. No information yet what that may be about.
Below is the Agenda:
AMENDED AGENDARIOC's Transportation Manager Cyril Opperman sent this March 10 memo in support of the bus purchases to RIOC Directors:
5:30 P.M.[1]
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. March 23, 2017 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
New Business
1. Ratification of Insurance Binders for FY 2017-18 (Board Action Required)
2. Authorization to Amend Contract with Major Systems Mechanical Corp. for the Boiler Installation and Heating System Improvements at Sportspark (Board Action Required)
3. Authorization to Amend Contract with Henrich Equipment Company, Inc. for Petroleum Bulk Storage Regulation Compliance Services (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Enter into Contract with New Flyer Industries, Inc. for the Purchase of Two Diesel Buses (Board Action Required)
5. Authorization to Amend Master Sublease Agreement for Main Street Retail Space with Hudson Related Retail LLC (Board Action Required)
6. President’s Report
7. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance Committee
c. Operations Advisory Committee
d. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee
8. Public Safety Report
VI. Adjournment
The RIOC Board Meeting will commence following a public comment period. The public comment period is not part of the meeting.
BackgroundUPDATE 4/20 - The Main Street Master Lease Amendment is regarding a proposal from Hudson Related for installing Roosevelt Island branding
One June 23, 2016, the Board approved the purchase of two diesel buses. This was due to an aging bus fleet that will need to be phased out over time. The purchase of the two new buses has alleviated several issues, however, supply shortages and higher repair costs still exists with a predominantly older bus fleet. As part of an allotted 6-year budget plan, from 2016 through 2022, all of the current aging buses on the fleet will be replaced.
At the June 23, 2016 Board meeting, it was communicated to the board that pure diesel bus models cost less and need fewer repairs than hybrid buses. Moreover, there is no significant difference in carbon footprint emission between diesel and hybrid buses. It is for these reasons that RIOC will once again focus on acquiring pure diesel buses. Detailed emission information from the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality’s Certificate of Conformity can be found in the chart below:
Procurement Process
The RIOC Operations Department contacted three commuter bus manufacturers. Two manufactures (New Flyer and Nova) offered their prices, while the third (Gilig) did not submit a price. Below is a summary of the bids received, including company, model, price and other relevant information. These bids were evaluated based on specifications desired, intercompany history and price.
*All models are two door and wheelchair accessible
Recommended Vendor
New Flyer Industries Inc. is our recommended vendor, as they offer competitive pricing, meet all of the Department of Operations requirements and RIOC has a long standing business relationship.
New Flyer is the leading manufacturer of heavy-duty buses in the U.S. and Canada, headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. RIOC and New Flyer have been conducting business together for over 20 years, starting with a purchase of four buses in 1994. A New Flyer bus that was purchased in May of 1994 was put out of service on November 3rd, 2009, lasting over 15 years. Moreover, the two most recent purchases have performed exceedingly well. All this highlights the reliability and durability of New Flyer buses. In addition to the proven quality of the buses, New Flyer’s knowledgeable mechanics impress RIOC and strengthens our recommendation to award the contract to the company.
RIOC’s Department of Operations requests an authorization for an amount not-to-exceed $430,694 per bus, for a total price of $861,388 towards the purchase of two buses from New Flyer.
and directional Wayfinding Signage.
Here'e April 19 Memo from RIOC President Susan Rosenthal to the RIOC Board describing the proposal.