Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Voting Results Are In For RIOC Board Nominee Candidates - 951 Roosevelt Island Residents Cast Ballots But Objections Raised To Validity Of Election Process

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Government Relations Committee Chairperson Joyce Short reports on the results of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Director Nominee Candidate election

held April 18-19.

Image Of Southtown RIOC Board Director Candidate Nominee Voting

According to Ms Short:
The RIOC VOTE is in!

It literally took a village..... 30+ volunteers, at 12 sites, who devoted 90+ man-hours of labor!

951 Roosevelt Island Residents cast their ballots for their preferences for RIOC Board Members. Here are the results:

1. Lydia Tang 558 Votes
2. Brian Bower 470 Votes
3. Mark Block 464 Votes
4. Michael Shinozaki 432 Votes
5. Eduardo Janey 429 Votes
6. Howard Polivy 287 Votes
7. David Kraut 235 Votes

Thanks for the hard work of each and every volunteer who made this process possible!

Aaron Hamburger
Barbara Brooks
Barbara Parker
Bill Weiss
Chris Gasman
Cindy Wilkerson
Dave Evans
Dimaura Cole
Emma Felix
Fereil Sanders
Ike Nahem
Joan Markey
Judy Knorton
Kasia Krause
Laura Hussey
Lorraine Altman
Mary Cavanaugh
Matthew Katz
Melissa Wade
Mickey Rindler
Nancy Bredice
Nellie Finnegan
Noah Keating
Patrice Herlihy
Pia Doane
Rochelle Liss
Sally Hamburger
Scott Piro
Sheldon Brooks
Scott Piro
Vicky Feinmel
Wendy Hersh

Special thanks to Margie Smith who helped educate our candidates and the community about the importance of this vote. And extra appreciation to Bill Weiss and Laura Hussey who gave additional time to help tally the voting results.

And special thanks to the Managing Agents at 455 Main St, Rivercross, Manhattan Park, Westview, Island House, Octagon and Roosevelt Landings for their help in providing tables and access to their lobbies for this important vote!
Video of the April 12 Meet the RIOC Board Nominee Candidate night is here.

Howard Polivy, David Kraut and Michael Shinozaki are long time RIOC Board Directors currently serving. Mr. Polivy and Mr. Kraut did not give their permission to be placed on the election ballot and were not participants in any pre-election publicity.  Mr. Shinozaki did agree to participate in the election. All the other nominee candidates actively participated in the election process.

The election is not without controversy. Claims of ballot fraud, which I am not going to get into right now, have been raised. Click here to read all about the election controversy in this comments thread.