Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Island, A Short Film Inspired By Oral History Of Roosevelt Island In 1970-80's Seeking Local Apartment To Shoot Scenes - No Recent Renovations And Older Looking Home Furnishings A Plus

Aimee Schaefer is the Director and co-writer of The Island, a film set on Roosevelt Island. Ms Schaefer is looking for a Roosevelt Island apartment, preferably in Roosevelt Landings,

to shoot scenes for the film. According to Ms Schaefer:
NYU graduate short film in need of 2-3 bedroom apartment with no recent renovations. Aiming for a 1970s-1980s look in terms of the amenities and older looking home furnishings are a plus.

If occupants of the home are not the owners, we will need permission from the management company or landlords in the form of an NYU Location Agreement. Upon negotiation and signing of the location agreement, the location will be insured by NYU’s underwriter for $1 million dollars.

We have a small budget to rent the space and place the occupants in a hotel or air bnb for the week.

Intended dates of filming: one week within the slot of July 6-20th.

Please send one photo of living room and contact information to with LOCATION as subject title.
The film's producer, James Faller adds:
We would prefer something inside ROOSEVELT LANDINGS (formerly Eastwood) but are open to other buildings. The older the inside is the better, we are trying to avoid modern renovations since that will mean less work for our production designer.

That being said we are open to exploring various options outside of our preferences.
Backstage summarizes the film:
NYU thesis short film “The Island." Synopsis: Inspired by the oral histories of Roosevelt Island, NY. This short film delves into lives of a small community in the wake of a young boy gone missing in 1989 NYC. We see this through the young protagonist, Jimmy, as he attempts to enjoy his summer despite carrying a secret larger than himself. Filmmaker says: "This film has been awarded a Spike Lee Fellowship and will tour festivals around the world upon it's completion."
If you are interested, please contact here.