Roosevelt Island Celebration Honoring Veterans Saturday November 10 - Community Invited To Attend
Veterans Day is Sunday, November 11.
On Saturday, November 10, Roosevelt Island will host its own Veterans Celebration. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation is producing its first-ever Veterans Celebration this Saturday, November 10 at noon at 544 Main Street on Roosevelt Island in New York City.
Are you a veteran, family member or spouse? Is there a family friend of whom you know is a veteran? Please invite them and or send us their name to be included in our acknowledgments.
Speakers include Joel Evans, deputy commissioner of the NYS Division of Veterans Affairs; Lyn Johnson, USMC Veteran, MSW and Veterans Administration Outreach Specialist; Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) Board member and veteran David Kraut; and performances from the NYPD Honor Guard, the Main Street Theater and Dance Alliance and the Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts.
This free event is open to the public; refreshments – catered by Roosevelt Island’s Nisi restaurant – will be served following the program.
Send your names to RIOC’s Alonza Robertson, and if you have questions or need additional information; or call 212.832.4540.