Monday, November 5, 2018

Election Day Is Tuesday November 6 - Where Do You Vote On Roosevelt Island And What's On The Ballot?

Tuesday November 6 is election day for Federal, NY State and NYC City candidates as well as NY City Charter revision proposals. The Polling Station for Roosevelt Island voters is at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street)

except for those who live at the Octagon Building who vote at Coler Hospital (900 Main Street)

According to the NYC Board of Elections:
You can vote ONLY at your designated polling place. Make sure you are at the correct polling site and Election District (E.D.) for your address.
Roosevelt Island Election Districts are as follows:
82 ED 11 East Loop Road 405, 415, 425,455, 465, 475,480 MAIN STREET

83 ED - 510, 516, 531 MAIN STREET

84 ED - 536, 540, 546,551, 555, 575 MAIN STREET

85 ED - 556, 560, 576, 580, 595, 625 MAIN STREET

86 ED - 2, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40 RIVER ROAD

87 ED - 888 Main Street
Here's who and what is on the ballot for Roosevelt Island voters and an explanation of the NYC Charter Revision proposals.

During the 2016 election, there were problems with the

Roosevelt Island vote scanning machines.

Let's hope that does not happen again tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a very important election. Come out to vote and encourage everyone you know to vote as well.

Don't forget the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council elections on Tuesday - open to all residents 18 and over, even if not a U.S. citizen.


NY 1 has more on NY elections.

UPDATE 11/6:

UPDATE 11/7 - According to Judy Berdy, who lead the Roosevelt Island polling location workers:
2331 Total scanned ballots

Thanks for our wonderful poll worker team!!!

Thanks for our great neighbors who came out to vote. We are proud of how well we all work to make our elections easy and smooth running!!!

RIRA election results here