Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Roosevelt Island Residents Association Common Council 2018 Election Results - RIRA Meeting Tonight At Good Shepherd, Out With The Old, In With The New Common Council

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will hold it's monthly meeting this evening, November 7 at 8:00 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).

As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a Public Session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.

Below is the Agenda for tonight.

Tonight will be the final meeting of the 2016-2018 RIRA Common Council.

It will also be the first meeting of the new 2018-2020 RIRA Common Council following the election last night.

Here are the results of the election.

1237. Lynne Shinozaki

Vice President

823. David Lawson
(469. Frank Farance)

Building Representatives by District:

 Southtown (11 seats, 7 elected, 4 open)

138. Sally Ashe
137. Justin Ellis
141. Dave Evans
137. Janet Falk
139. Michael Rindler
147. Jennifer Weinstein
152. Sharon Williams

546 Main Street (2 seats, 1 write-in)

1 Dexter Williams

Roosevelt Landings (7 seats, 5 elected, 2 open)
123. Cynthia Ahn
133. Nancy Brown
125. Shirley A. Coley
106. Phinda Dlamini
133. Linda Maynard-Hall

Rivercross (3 seats, 2 elected, 1 open)

210. Laura Hussey
202. Kaja Meade

Island House (3 seats, 3 elected)
165. Rossana Ceruzzi

179. Adib Mansour A. F.
160. Lydia Tang
69. Frank Farance - 1st Alternate

Westview (3 seats, 3 elected)

76. Bafode Drame
102. David Lawson (elected VP)

118. Erin Feely-Nahem
53. Vadim Malinsky

Manhattan Park (8 seats, 3 elected, 5 open, 8 write-ins)
117. Paula Beltrone
106. Chris Gassman
105. Shuang Yu
2. Carolina Funk: write-in

2. Tiffany Petrakov write-in

1 Marc Block write-in

1 Andrew Oliver: write-in

1 Amanda Sadlier: write-in

1 Elizabeth Stapen: write-in

1 Haley Strong: write-in

1 Francis Urroz: write-in

2 River Road (1 seat, 1 open)

No Candidates or Write-ins

4 River Road (1 seat, 1 elected)

38. Eneaqua Lewis

Octagon (5 seats, 5 elected)
56. Brenna Bessa

45. Robert Leung

46. Cristrobal A Oltra

49. F. Scott Piro

43. James Rosenthal

29. Stephen Jaye- 1st Alternate

27. David Turley - 2nd Alternate