Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts Learn About ASPCA's Field Investigation And Response Team From Stephen Quandt, A Local Resident And Response Team Member - Girl Scouts Working On Animal Helpers Badge Too

Roosevelt Island resident Stephen Quandt works as a member of the ASPCA Field Investigation and Response Team. Last month, Mr Queandt wrote about his work:

... I work as a professional first responder for the ASPCA's Field Investigations and Response Team, a division of their Anti-Cruelty Group. The FIR Team responds nationwide to large-scale criminal cruelty cases like blood sports (dogfighting and cockfighting), hoarding cases and puppy mills often involving many hundreds of animals, sometimes thousands. We also respond to disasters like tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and fires.

I work in the Medical Dept. which involves doing everything from assisting on forensic exams (the collection of medical evidence on living animals) providing administrative support and giving treatments and medications to sick or injured animals. What I learned late in life and is so hard to explain is the profound experience of relieving suffering in others. For reasons I don't understand this deeply moving experience is not taught or given to our youth but is mysteriously saved for professional programs like medicine, ministry, counseling and the like....
Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3001 Leader Aiesha Eleusizov read Mr. Quandt's story. She asked him to speak to her Girl Scout Troop who are working on their Animal Helpers Badger.  Mr. Quandt was happy to speak with the Girl Scouts.

Ms Eleusizov reports:
Roosevelt Island resident Stephen Quandt from the ASPCA Field Investigation and Response Team visited Girl Scout Troop 3001 on November 5

to talk about the important work he does to rescue large numbers of animals around the country.

The girls learned a lot about the work of the ASPCA and the importance of caring for animals (and worked on their Animal Helpers badge!). They were inspired by his touching stories of animals he has rescued and the work of the ASPCA to help them to find new, loving homes.

We were really sad to find out how many animals have been mistreated and victims of dog fighting, cat hoarding and abuse and heartened by the huge adoption events with hundreds of animals all finding new homes in a single day. The girls were excited to learn that so many people adopt animals from shelters in NYC, that NYC is now a no-kill shelter city.

Stephen's team sent a group photo

and a shout out to our troop from his last mission.

The girls had fun sending a thank you shout out back to them!

Mr Quandt adds:
I had a GREAT time, it was totally uplifting and the best part of my day - a day that actually wasn't all that easy. Earlier in the day I had to take a friend's cat, a cat that I cared for very much to the vet to be euthanized - the owner being too infirm to make the trip. So to end my day with a bunch of delightfully high energy kids who were caring and kind was lovely.
You can earn more about the ASPCA's Field Investigations & Response Team at their web site and from this video.