Thursday, June 27, 2019

What's That Blue Box Structure In Front Of Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Station For?

Are you wondering what the blue box in front of Roosevelt Island F Train subway is for?

Yesterday, I asked the Roosevelt island Operating Corp (RIOC):
Do you know this blue structure is in front of subway station. It was out up today.

Are they putting in second entrance/exit?

Did Mta ask for Rioc approval to put it up?
A RIOC spokesperson replied today:
Just wanted to let everyone know the big blue structure that’s being built at the F Train Station is not a RIOC structure. It’s a MTA structure that will be used as a storage shed to house some of the equipment the MTA will be using to fix the escalator. They were given permission to build it back in April .... Fingers crossed they get it fixed ahead of schedule.
According to the MTA's Elevator and Escalator Status web page, the Roosevelt Island escalator from the street

to mezzanine platform

is scheduled to be fixed

by July 13.