Thursday, March 26, 2020

Roosevelt Island Saturday Farmers Market Closed Until Further Notice Due To Coronavirus Pandemic Says RIOC Today

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced today:
Farmers Market CANCELLED Until Further Notice

The Roosevelt Island Farmer’s Market has been cancelled until further notice. The decision was made that it would be extremely difficult to create an environment that not only ensures social distancing, but controls possible contamination of produce. Israel Wengerd, the market organizer, said, “I’m so sorry I will not to be there with you this weekend, but my prayers are with you and I can’t wait to be back on Roosevelt Island as soon as possible.” In the meantime, Foodtown, The Wholesome Factory and Bread and Butter continue to get regular deliveries of groceries and other goods. They also make deliveries to your home if needed.

Food Scrap Collection Has Also Been CANCELLED until Further Notice

Please do not leave food scraps on Saturdays.
Mr Wengerd of Wengerd Farms adds:
It was a very difficult decision. But it seemed the best for now with the current situation. I would just like to tell the community that I will be back as soon as situation permits.
UPDATE 3/28 - Roosevelt Island residents have been asking why the Farmers Market has been shut down. Israel Wengerd explains today:
Travel restrictions after leaving NYC was the reason for the final decision to close the Saturday farmers market. We want the Roosevelt Island community to know that we will be back as soon as we have an open door to do so