Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Roosevelt Island's Got Talent Virtual Performing Show Every Friday Starting March 27 On Zoom - Sign Up Now To Perform Or Watch The Show

So, you want to be a local star, or maybe just have a little bit of fun staying home on a Roosevelt Island Friday night during the Coronavirus Pandemic shutdown?

Roosevelt Island residents Kaja Meade and Kristin Braun have an idea for you and report:

Roosevelt Island's Got Talent - Inviting all Talents from Roosevelt Island

Each Friday the show will begin at 7pm on Zoom. This regularly scheduled show is open to all Roosevelt Island residents to perform OR watch. Professional quality talent is NOT necessary. The purpose is to HAVE FUN, and connect with each other as an island community.

If you would like to WATCH the show, please email your name and email address to to receive the Zoom sign-in link. Sign-ins will be emailed at 6:50pm the day of the show.

If you would like to be IN the show performing your talent: Please sign up on this Sign-up Genius link. Please provide the approximate length of your performance. Please also EMAIL (listed below) a 3-4 sentence bio of the performer(s) - including a fun fact, or something they are grateful for during this time. Performances should last about 5 minutes on average, but do not feel the need to have a talent that lasts that long. Please make sure you PRACTICE – there will be a live audience.

The deadline to sign up for the Friday show is 5pm the Thursday beforehand. (For the March 27th show please sign up by March 26th at 5 pm.) Check @rooseveltislandlove for availability updates.

Ideas include: Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Pet tricks, Origami, Knitting Tutorial, and Showcase, Singing, Karaoke, Storytelling, Drama, Mimicking or mono -act, poetry, Stand up comedy, Music & Instruments, Tips, Tricks, and thrills, Baking and Cooking, Crafts and painting, Beauty tips, Yo-yo, Karate, Funny skit, Acapella, Mime, Impersonator, whistling, Acting, and more!

We will continue to offer more program slots for talents in weeks to come, if the show is something that people enjoy watching and participating in.

Tips for using Zoom and for artists the show must go on.