Friday, March 27, 2020

You Can Order Girl Scout Cookies To Thank Essential Workers Caring For Us And Support The Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troops

Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3001 Leader Aiesha Eleusizov reports:

As you know, Coronavirus hit right as we are in the middle of our cookie booth season.

For safety, we are not holding any more cookie booths nor are we doing any in-person sales. The five troops on Roosevelt Island currently have about 650 packages in cookies in stock to be sold. We would like to invite Roosevelt Islanders to purchase Girl Scout cookies to be donated to Essential Workers here on Roosevelt Island.

People can purchase cookies electronically (through PayPal, Venmo or Zelle) and we will deliver the cookies with a "Thank You" to the many essential workers here on RI - the staff at Foodtown, Wholesome Factory, Nisi, Piccolo, Bread and Butter, USPS, UPS and FedEx delivery drivers, public safety, red bus drivers, tram operators, building staff, nurses and doctors. (obviously we will be delivering these in as safe a way as possible - for example bringing them on a trip we are making to the store anyway). This simple purchase will both thank those who are helping us as well as support the Girl Scout troops and our Council that rely on our annual cookie sale to provide much needed programming for girls.

Here is a flyer with the basics

and people can complete this form to place their order.

If anyone has any questions, they can reach out to me at
More info on the Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts at these prior posts.