Roosevelt Island F Train Service To And From Manhattan This Weekend - But Stay Home Unless You're Providing An Essential Service Or An Emergency
According to the MTA, there will be Roosevelt Island F Train service
to and from Manhattan this weekend.
Tomorrow, Friday (!), March 27, we'll operate the MTA Essential service plan, with some adjustments.— NYCT Subway. Stay Home. Stop the Spread. (@NYCTSubway) March 27, 2020
If you MUST travel, check this feed or for service status before you go.
The Roosevelt Island Tram is operating and here's the NYC Ferry Roosevelt Island Astoria Route Winter Schedule.
During this uncertain time, NYC Ferry will remain a reliable mode of transportation for essential workers and those traveling to hospitals and vital medical facilities. Please stay home - but we're here for you when needed. #NYCFerry— NYC Ferry (@NYCferry) March 19, 2020