Monday, April 13, 2020

What Special Restaurant Food Treat Do You Miss During The Coronavirus Quarantine - Me,I'm Dreaming Of Pastrami, Matzo Ball Soup And Blintz From Katz's Deli, That's All

Around this time of year, I usually make one of my 1 or 2 annual trips with family to Katz's Deli for a Pastrami Sandwich, Matzo Ball Soup and either a Potato Pancake or Cheese Blintz. But not this year, since I can't make a case that taking the F Train down to the Lower East Side  for a Pastrami Sandwich is an emergency - although Katz's is known for serving "Jewish Penicillin".

So, the next best option is to watch this James & Karla Murray video of Katz's Deli still open for take out and serving the Front line workers of NYC.

UPDATE 4/14: