Roosevelt Island Mom, Doctor Grace Farris Writes In NY Times About Missing Her Kids Sent Out Of Town As She's On NYC Front Line Treating Coronavirus Patients
Roosevelt Island resident Dr. Grace Farris writes in the NY Times today about sending her children away to Connecticut while treating Coronavirus patients
"It’s been four weeks since I’ve seen my kids, and I’m starting to miss them." @gracefarris, a doctor on the frontlines fighting coronavirus in New York, writes about what the past month has been like away from her children:— NYT Parenting (@NYTParenting) April 15, 2020
Thanks Paul!— Grace Farris MD (@gracefarris) April 15, 2020
Doctor Farris writes:
... The patients with Covid-19 were hermetically sealed in their isolation rooms, forbidden to have visitors. I’d gear up with my personal protective equipment, and make my way into their rooms, listen to their lungs, check their oxygen levels and give a pep talk.Click here for the full NY Times article by Dr Farris.
“This is a waiting game,” I’d say through my N95 mask.
“But do you think I’m going to die?” they asked.
At the end of a 12-hour shift, I’d go home and spend 15 minutes FaceTiming with my sons....
Here's more info on Coronavirus
How long does #COVID19 stay in the air & on surfaces?— Weill Cornell Medicine (@WeillCornell) April 15, 2020
What are potential treatments?
Will the virus be part of seasonal flus & colds?
Learn more about #COVID19 with infectious disease specialist, Dr. Roy Gulick of #WCMDeptofMed & @nyphospital.
and description of Coronavirus symptoms and treatment from Weill Cornell doctors here and here.