Thursday, July 10, 2008

No Heavily Armed Segway Cops Needed For May 2008 Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incidents

Image of Chinese Anti-Terror Police on Segway from Wired

Stop holding your breath and don't worry. These are not the Roosevelt Island Public Safety officers coming after you for holding an open container that may contain alcohol at your next picnic. They are the Chinese Anti-Terror police preparing for next month's Beijing Olympics, if that makes you feel any better.

Back to Roosevelt Island. Below is is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety statistics for May 2008 categorized by Calls for Service, Index of Crimes, Misdemeanors and Non- Crime Violations. As in previous months, the largest number of Public Safety responses (67) were for coming to the aid of injured or sick persons. There was also one assault (off Island) one robbery and one burglary on Island.

Read this document on Scribd: maypublicsafety

Here is the updated daily Roosevelt Island Public Safety reports for May 1 - July 6 2008. Note that there has been great progress the last few months in keeping the Motorgate Garage safe from vandalism. Since early April, there has been only one incident that I am aware of - on June 30. According to Public Safety report for that date:
vandalizedvehicle- psd officer observed vehicle in motorgate damaged level 5d.
But beware, if you do have an open container of alcohol, Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officers on Segways like this one may find you.

Image from RIOC

This is one of Roosevelt Island's Segway Cops who made an arrest using the Segway. (Not the Gentlemen in the photo though)