Monday, January 18, 2010

Take The Roosevelt Island Temporary Ferry Tram Outage Survey - Will You Use This Ferry Service Option During Morning Commute?

You Tube Video of NY Water Taxi leaving Fulton Landing underneath the Brooklyn Bridge

Here's the latest on RIOC's proposed plan for temporary morning rush hour ferry service during the Roosevelt Island Tram outage scheduled to begin March 1 2010 from RIOC President Steve Shane's January 11 President's Report (Item 5):
... It appears that a temporary service from the East channel oil dock during the Tram outage is possible, although usage and cost remain big questions. If all the morning rush hour Tram commuters (say 500 per hour between 7:30 and 9 AM) opt for ferry service to 35th street and are willing to pay for a 2 fare zone (say at $3 for the ferry ride including a bus up 1st Avenue, across 57th Street and back down 2nd Avenue connecting to other bus and subway lines), then it is projected as a breakeven. Less than such participation will require a substantial subsidy, presumably from RIOC, estimated to be on the order of $100,000 for the 6 months of the Tram shutdown. A survey will be conducted of Tram riders (by distribution on the Tram and published on our website) to try to ascertain interest. NYC EDC is participating in the discussions, but has not agreed to take up any of the financial burden. Stay tuned...
More information on the survey seeking information on passenger interest for temporary Roosevelt Island Ferry Service from RIOC:
Please be advised that the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation will be conducting a Ferry Service Survey to solicit information about passenger interest in such a service during the scheduled Tramway renovation project.

The survey will be distributed at both Tramway stations beginning on Monday, January 18th, it is also attached to this email in PDF format and is available online immediately at

The survey responses will be collected until January 31st at 5pm. Hard copy responses should be returned to either the Public Safety Department or the survey boxes at the Tram Stations.

Thank you for your participation in the survey.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
RIOC Officials Waving Hello or Goodbye To NY Water Taxi Ferry From Oil Dock

The survey is below. Please click here to take the survey online.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation
**Ferry Service Survey**

January 2010

Dear Morning Tram Commuter:

The Roosevelt Island Tram is expected to be out of service for extensive renovation from March 1, 2010 through August 31, 2010. To better serve you, we are researching transportation options in addition to the F train and red bus shuttle service. Red bus service will be running every 1/2 hour to the E,G,R & V subway stop at Queens Plaza during rush hours and to 2nd Ave. and 58th Streets during non-rush hour periods. Having met with ferry service providers, maritime engineers and the City agency overseeing expansion of ferry service, the one additional option which may be feasible on a temporary basis until the Tram is back in service is a ferry from the East side of Roosevelt Island (dock behind the steam plant) to the East 35th Street Ferry Terminal. The vendor has proposed environmentally friendly vessels which have been specifically designed for passenger comfort including upholstered seating and restrooms. Service would be Monday- Friday from 7:30 AM to 9 AM, leaving every 1/2 hour. The one-way travel time will be 10-minutes. In order to determine whether the service will be economically viable, the vendor has asked us to conduct this survey.

Please assist us in judging your interest in using a privately operated ferry service by filling out the following survey:

1. How many weekday mornings do you use the Tram? (only count departures from RI) ______ /week.

2. What is your final destination in Manhattan? ________________________
(Provide nearest cross streets, e.g. 42nd St and 7th Ave.)

3. Would you use morning rush hour ferry service to East 35th Street during the Tram renovations? Y___ N___.
a. If yes, would you be willing to pay $3 for a one way ferry ticket? Y ___ N___.
b. Would you be willing to pay more than $3 for a one way ticket? Y___ N ___.
c. If no, would a cross-town bus from the 35th St. ferry landing change your mind?
The proposed bus route would be: depart 35th Street and head north on 1st Avenue, turn west on 57th Street, turn
south on 2nd Avenue, turn east on 34th Street for return to ferry terminal.
___Yes, the bus transportation would change your mind.
___No, I would not use the ferry service.

4. If the bus link would change your mind, would you be willing to pay an additional $2 for the bus service? Y___ N___.

5. How many days would you take the morning rush hour ferry ______ /week?

6. If the ferry service does not appeal to you, please tell us why. (Check all that apply)
___Location/route not convenient, ___Schedule not convenient, ___Don’t want to transfer,
___Lack of comfortable waiting area, ___Too Expensive.

Please complete and return this survey to the Public Safety Department (550 Main Street), or to the survey box at the Tram stations. All surveys must be returned by January 31, 2010 at 5PM, to be considered. You can also complete this survey by visiting the following website: Thank you.
Please let me know if you fill out the survey and what you think of the proposed idea.