Roosevelt Island Residents Association Meeting Tonight 8 PM Good Shepherd Community Center - RIOC Election, Main Street Stores & More, Come Learn What Is Going On - State Senator Jose Serrano Constituent Office Hours Today 4 - 7 PM
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) will be meeting later today, 8 PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street). As always, prior to the start of each meeting there is a public session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern. Below is the Agenda:
One issue to be discussed at tonight's meeting is the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors Nominating Election process. The election is scheduled for February 7 and a Meet the Candidates Night is Thursday 8 PM at Good Shepherd Community Center. Click here for more information on the RIOC Board Nominee election processDate: Wednesday, February 1, 2012Time: 8:00 P.M. - FinishPlace: Chapel of the Good Shepherd, 543 Main Street(If convenient, would you please arrive 10 minutes in advance to help set up chairs, or stay 10 minutes late to help clean up? We are guests in the building and need to be good neighbors. Thanks in advance!)1. Public Session (8:00)Miranda Murray – Manager, RI Branch Library2. Roll Call (8:15)X 3. Approval of Agenda (8:20)X 4. Approval of Minutes– January 4, 2012 (8:25)5. Treasurer’s Report (8:30)
- President's Report (8:35)
- Committees (8:50)
Island ServicesX Motion to establish retail advisory com.Planning/SCRC sub-committeePublic SafetySocial, Cultural and Educational ServicesCommunicationsGovernment Relations/MTG sub-committeeHousingConstitution Committee8 Old Business (9:50)9. New Business (9:55)10. AdjournX Agenda items requiring action
Below is the RIRA Island Service Committee Report (ISC) and motion to establish Retail Advisory Committee:
The ISC met 1/23/12.Roosevelt Island State Senator Jose Serrano's staff will also be holding their monthly constituent office hours today.
Updates on some of the issues weʼre involved in:
Main St. Retail Stores
From a contact with David Kramer (Hudson–Related) about 4 weeks ago, we learned from Kramer that they were close to signing 5-6 stores and will make an announcement as soon as the leases are completed and signed.
Meanwhile they are working on the streetscapes designs.
The ISC will ask the Common Council on 2/1/12 for approval to transfer and expand our Task Force into a Roosevelt Island Advisory Committee to deal with Main St. Retail Stores issues directly with Hudson-Related. This new group would have representatives from present retail stores & commercial interests and representatives from RI residents. The Advisory Committee would be affiliated with RIRA through the ISC, but operate outside of RIRA.
Red Bus Operations
ISC checked into the 1/3/12 incident when an open stroller was denied boarding a bus. We concluded based on all the facts of this situation that the bus driver made a proper call under the current policy.
Moved that the Island Services Committeeʼs (ISC) Main St. Retail Stores Task Force be transferred and expanded to a Main St. Retail Stores Advisory Committee (AC-MSRS) to deal directly with Hudson-Related on issues. The AC-MSRS should have a maximum of 15 members including representatives from the present retail stores & commercial interests, the RIRA Common Council and from other interested Roosevelt Island residents. The AC-MSRS will be affiliated with RIRA through the ISC, but operate outside of RIRA. The Committee members will be recruited by the ISC who will be charged with obtaining a diverse group representing all segments of Roosevelt Island interests in the Retail Stores developments.
If you have any questions to ask Senator Serrano's staff or are in need of any assistance that may require the help of your elected representative stop on by RIOC HQ. Also, bring photocopies of any paperwork related to your situation so that the Serrano staff can effectively and efficiently address the issue.Serrano Roosevelt Island Constituent Hours*Senator Serrano's Roosevelt Island Constituent Hours!
Wednesday, February 1, 20124:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.591 Main StreetRoosevelt Island, NY 10044Meet with Senator Serrano's staff to discuss any concerns or suggestions you may have to improve your community.
*Constituent Services are also available Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm, in Senator Serrano's District Office at 157 East 104th Street.