Update On Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail From Hudson Related's Master Leaseholder - No Shock And Awe But They Are Working Very Hard Says David Kramer, 7 Leases Signed, Signage and Wayfinding Kiosks Coming
An update on Main Street Retail was provided by Hudson Related Master Leaseholder David Kramer during November 20 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Committee meeting. Mr. Kramer reviewed the 7 new and renewal leases signed:
- Coach Scot's Main Street Sweets (will open shortly)
- Subway Sandwich Shop (looks terrific says Mr. Kramer, opened up to huge numbers)
- Natural Food Market (a month or two away)
- Wine Shop (taking a long time to get its liquor license)
- Gallery RIVAA (3 year renewal lease)
- Trellis (new renewal lease signed and drawing up plans for substantial renovation of space.)
- Child School (Art and Music space at 2nd floor of 504 Main Street, coordination of work needs to be done with the NY Public Library which is in negotiation for first floor of 504)
Mr. Kramer discussed 2 new digital signage and wayfinding kiosks that he would like to install on each side of Main Street. He added that Roosevelt Island needs at least 10 of these kiosks up and down Roosevelt Island from Lighthouse Park to the FDR Memorial and offered to share the design costs if RIOC chooses to install the additional non Main Street kiosks on Roosevelt Island.
Mr. Kramer added that the Arcade signage and lighting prototype pictured above will be extended up and down Main Street.
Mr. Kramer was asked about the fate of the hardware store and declined to speak about it publicly. RIOC Director Margie Smith stated that RIOC did not charge the hardware store for the rent of previous tenant and assumed that the previous tenant built those charges into the sale price of the business to the current hardware store owners.
Here's the audio webcast of the November 20 RIOC Real Estate Committee meeting. The presentation and discussion of Main Street retail begins at the 13 minute 15 second mark and ends a the 48 minute mark.