Monday, March 23, 2020

Roosevelt Island, Stand On Your Balcony Or Behind Window, Clap Your Hands, Sing, Bang Pots And Pans Together With Your Neighbors Nightly At 8 PM To Thank Health Care Workers On Front Line Battling The Coronavirus - SolidarityAt8

According to Today:

Even as people are separated within their own communities, they’re still coming together to support those on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak.

Thanks to a viral Twitter campaign called #Solidarityat8, at 8 p.m. local time for the past few nights, Americans have opened their doors, stood on porches and made noise — some by applauding, others by banging pots and pans — to express their gratitude to health care workers....

And not just in the United States, but all over the world.

Roosevelt Island has joined the #SolidarityAt8 effort too. Roosevelt Island resident Karine Wong reports:
If you can, please share this Facebook group - Roosevelt Islanders, Make Some Noise! - with your RI friends and neighbors and ask them to make noise every night at 8pm for 5 minutes.

Stand on your balcony or behind your window and clap your hands or bang on pots and pans.

There is a lot of healthcare professionals living on the island. They can hear us and their families MUST know how grateful we are to have them.
Please share widely.

People have been posting wonderful videos of their side of the building and it’s very moving.

Be Safe be Strong and be Loud.
According to Roosevelt Island resident Vicki Feinmel:
A little before 8:00 pm, a woman in my building plays the violin 🎻 from her terrace, then people clap and bang on pots and pans in appreciation of our healthcare professionals. They are trying to expand to all the buildings.... Please join us.
Here's Roosevelt Island #Solidarityat8 pot banging, violin seranade and Sweet Caroline in tribute to the health care workers and others helping us through the Coronavirus Pandemic Emergency.

Ms Wong adds:
I spoke to a friend of mine.... She has asthma she is a nurse and she is now forced to stay home because she has tested positive and is sick. She said to me: We know there is no vaccine right now and we know many of us will be affected because of our closeness with patients. Please stay home.

I hear people cheering every night for us from my room. It is the most priceless few minutes of my day. I stop thinking I stop crying I stop being scared...
Check out the Roosevelt Islanders Make Some Noise Facebook Page for more info.