Monday, December 17, 2007

Roosevelt Island Dilapidated Renwick Ruins - A Metaphor for the Republican Party?

Roosevelt Island's Renwick Ruins has been brought into the Republican Party Presidential nominating process discussion. According to a blogger on the conservative political web site Red State:

Every night on New York City's Roosevelt Island, someone pays to have lights shoot up at the Renwick Ruin [photo gallery, vid]. It was designed by the man, James Renwick, Jr., who designed St. Patrick's Cathedral, and now it is a dilapidated shell, illuminated at night for all to see. "See what's become of me!"
It's what we risk, should our current intra-party animus linger.
On the Democatic Party side, what Roosevelt Island analogy applies to Senator Barack Obama? Perhaps the hope and promise of the new Wild Gardens/Green Rooms Waterfront Park at Southpoint Park proposed by the Trust for the Public Land and favored by Roosevelt Island residents over the outmoded, environmentally challenged, 1970's design of the Louis Kahn/FDR memorial that will obstruct these fantastic views of the East River Waterfront and NYC skyline?

Then what Roosevelt Island metaphor applies to Hillary?

Image of Republican candidates is from MSNBC.
Image of Renwick Ruins is from Weblicist of Manhattan.