Flatbed RIOC Truck Racing And Burning Rubber on Roosevelt Island Pedestrain Walkway
A reader sent in the following message regarding a RIOC vehicle constantly driving dangerously on the waterfront pedestrian pathway.
This afternoon I called and spoke with Officer Vera to report on an RIOC vehicle that repeatedly drives erratically, fast, and aggressive along the river. This is a 2-seater vehicle with a flatbed truck; the flatbed truck consists of several large, square containers that appear to be meant for either landscaping or for picking up garbage alongside the river walkway. I am unable to clarify what this truck is meant for as it never stops to do any work whatsoever; rather it appears to use the river pathway as a means of getting from one end of the island to the other and bypassing the traffic on Main Street. This truck spins its wheels, races as fast as can be, and aggressively honks if people don't get out of the way fast enough. Including children. This goes on in the mornings, evenings, and on weekends. It is horrifying and it is only a matter of time before this truck hurts or kills someone.RIOC President Steve Shane responds:Officer Vera's response was that this falls under RIOC and is not their issue. She (very rudely and condescendingly) said I should speak to RIOC. When I again reiterated my concern that this truck is a public safety hazard, she responded that they could not do anything and I had to speak to RIOC. I asked if my complaint would be logged with Public Safety so it would be on record and she very vaguely said it would; I doubt that it was logged.My questions are two-fold:1. Why does RIOC permit their vehicles to drive in an aggressive manner? and
2. What is the point of Public Safety if they refuse to make the island safe for the public? Are they only operating on a reactive basis instead of a proactive basis? If it is related to the "public" and to "safety", I suppose it's not a problem until it is too late. Pity.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.Maybe the RIOC drivers are practicing for the next Roosevelt Island stock car race.
1. RIOC does not condone the described behavior and, while not being there to observe directly, will remind the driver(s) of the vehicle as to proper conduct; and
2. Any complaints lodged at PSD as to the conduct of RIOC employees should be brought to the attention of RIOC's management.