Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Incitement to Riot and othe Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports for September 15- 23

Here are the Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Reports for September 15 - morning of the 23rd. Incidents included:
  • Incitement to riot ( 9/20 - I have asked Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra for additional details on this matter but have not received any response yet)
  • Another Stolen Bicycle (9/21)
  • Attempted shoplifting at Duane Reade (9/21)
  • Clothing taken from laundry machine (9/15)
  • Drinking and urinating in public (9/16, 19)
  • Driver Failed to yield to pedestrian (9/22) and
  • Aided an ill person (9/15, 17-22)
I still have not received any comment from the Public Safety Department regarding the establishment of a Roosevelt Island Civilian Review Complaint Board that is being considered by the Roosevelt Island Residents Association.

Below are the daily safety reports for 9/15-23

9/15/08-7:00 AM to 9/16/08-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Radio was taken from a vehicle. Search for the subject made with negative results. Reporter will go to NYPD on his own.
Hazardous Condition- Smell of gas in apt. Tenant not home. PSD and RY Mgt responded and corrected the condition. No injuries.
Petit Larceny- Clothing from a dryer machine were taken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.
Unlicenced Operator- PSD issued summons to the motorist and to the owner of the vehicle.
Aided- Male adult in bicycle fell and sustained injury. He was transported to the Hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Premise- Locks missing to comfort station bathroom. Search made of the interior and in order. RIOC notified.

9/16/08-7:00 AM to 9/17/08-7:00 AM
Chronic Noise Complaint- In Apt. It was referred to UA Mgt. PSD responded.
Found Property- A handbag. It was secured in PSD.
Aggravated Harassment- Via phone calls. PSD responded and matter referred to ADA and Detective. (pertains to previous case)
Reckless Endangerment- Rock thrown made contact with victim. Search for the subject yielded negative results. EMS and NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief- Rear Bumper of vehicle damaged. Search for the subject yielded negative results. Owner to contact NYPD on his own.
Urinating in Public-Subject arrested by PSD.

9/17/08-7:00 AM to 9/18/08-7:00 AM
Found Property- Cell Phone. It was secured in P.D. Later the owner retrieved it.
Found Property-Bag with food. It was secured in P.D. Later the owner retrieved it.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Petit Larceny- Boot on vehicle missing. NYP responded and prepare a report.
Graffiti- In Building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. U'S Super notified.
Aided- An Ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Graffiti- In Building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. U'S Super. notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief-Subject broke a window and sustained injury. EMS and NYP responded. Subject taken to the Hospital and NYP prepared a report.

0700 hrs 09/18/08 - 0700 hrs 09/19/08
Aided - Home attendant reports client having heart pain. EMS transported aided to hospital.
Aided - Officer responded with EMS to apt. Tenant had laceration and transported to hospital.
Unsecured vehicle - Officer observed window open. Message was left with owner. Vehicle appeared in order.
Graffiti - Officer found graffiti and notified management. Search conducted with negative results.

0700 hrs. Friday September 19th 2008 tru 0700 hrs. Saturday September 20th 2008
Hazardous Condition - PSD Officer observed three light poles not operational RIOC Notified.
Arrest - Two subjects were sleeping in the stairwell inside Motorgate. summonsed for trespass
Investigation - PSD Officers responded to 579 Main St. area for unknown subjects throwing objects out the window. Officer went to apartment and spoke to parents.
Graffiti - PSD Officer observed writing on a bench rear of 540 Main St. Supervisor notified.
Aided - PSD Officer responded to 531 Main St. pool locker room and observed male subject unstable. EMS on scene refused to be transported to the hospital.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed male subject urinating in public. Summons issued.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed seven males and five female subjects drinking in public. Summonsed for open container.

9/20/08-7:00 am TO 9/21/08-7:00 am
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Zipper of soft top vehicle opened an items inside were thrown about. NYPD notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Disorderly/Inciting a riot- Subject arrested by PSD.
Lockout Tenant was locked out. UA drilled the lock to allow access to the tenant.

9/21/08-7:00 AM to 9/22/08-7:00 AM
Aided- Female cut foot on broken glass. EMS responded and she refused transport to the Hospital.
Found Property- a Senior Citizen metro Card. It was secured at PSD.
Criminal Mischief- Broken Window in building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Smoke condition- small fire on rug in building. It was extinguished by PSD. Search for the subject yielded negative results. Small burnt mark on carpet.
Graffiti- In hallway and outside on concrete bench. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Attempted shop lifting/Trespass- At Duade Reade store. 4 subjects were issued trespass notices.
Criminal Mischief- Broken panel in elevator. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Criminal Mischief- Damage to wall. search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.

9/22/08-7:00 AM to 9/23/08-7:00 AM
Investigation- A female stated a vehicle almost struck her daughter. PSD Vehicle found parked. Motorist not in vehicle.
Petit Larceny- A Bicycle was taken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided- A male fell on floor in apt. PSD responded and put him on his chair no injuries and EMS refused.
DOA/Aided- Deceased male in apt. EMS and NYPD responded.
Investigation/Missing Property- Postal scanner accidently sold to Island resident by Thrift store employee. Later it was returned to the owner.
Suspicions Male- Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.
Fail to yield to pedestrian -PSD issued a summons to the motorist.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.