Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 5/27 Thru 6/8 - Parent Arrested At Little League Game, Burglaries, Assaults, Aiding Sick Residents and More
RIOC is posting the most current Daily and April/May 2009 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the months of April/May 2009.
Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for May 27 - June 8 , 2009. Incidents include:
- Skipping Cab Fare (5/27, 30)
- Assisted Resident With Breathing Problems (5/28)
- Possession Of Blade larger than 4 inches (5/29)
- Little League/off Island Adult League Ball Field Dispute lead to arrest of Parent (5/30)
- Burglary - Apartment Broken into (5/31)
- Grand Larceny - Wallet Taken From Locker Room (6/1)
- Attempted Bike Robbery (6/1)
- Arrest For Smoking Marijuana Cigar (6/2)
- Apartment Robbed of Laptop and DVD (6/3)
- Girl Assaulted Inside School (6/3)
- Purse Missing From Apartment (6/4)
- Roosevelt Island Bridge Tarpway Fell Into Walkway (6/5)
- Domestic Dispute Between Father and Daughter (6/6)
- Male Assaulted (6/8)
- Assisted Resident With Diabetic Attack (6/8)
- Boat In Distress (6/8) and
- Window Screen Broken and Window Open though nothing was taken (6/8)
Subway Delay- "F" Train service to Manhattan was delayed and caused a large crowd of commuters at the Tram. PSD responded until commuters left the island. All in order.
Property Damage- Stop sign pole at exit of the Motor gate Garage was broken. RIOC engineer notified.
Theft of Service- Youth failed to make payment on a cab fare. Cab Driver escorted him to the PSD office. Guardian responded and made payment.
Open Container-2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Investigation- Resident upset he believed that male adult was taking photos of his child.
PSD responded. Male showed the photos. There were no photos of the child. Male was testing out the new camera.
Verbal Dispute- Between Resident and a Home Attendant. No injuries. NYPD refused. PSD responded and matter was resolved.
Investigation- Unknown subject found a used prophylactic on her door knob. PSD will be conducting more patrols of the area.
There's More!
0700 hrs 05/28/09 - 0700 hrs 05/29/09
Criminal Mischief - PSD responded for broken window. Search was made with negative results. NYPD refused.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for aided. Aided was having difficulty breathing. Aided transported to hospital.
Disorderly Conduct - Male subject issued summons by PSD and released.
Vandalism - PSD responded for hole in wall. Search was made with negative results. Management was notified.
Harassment - Resident called PSD to report unknown subject banged on her door and ran. PSD made search with negative results.
hrs 05/29/09- hrs 05/30/09
Aided- Male fell on Tram platform, reports his hand hurts, refused medical attention.
Aided- Female stuck in elevator, fainted, FDNY removed victim, victim refused medical attention.
Domestic Dispute- Female was screaming for help, PSD responded, victim had lacerated right ankle, refused medical attention. Male subject was arrested.
Open Container- Detectives observed two males consuming alcohol in light house park, subjects were summons.
Aided- Female was not feeling well all day, walked into PSD requesting medical attention, transported to Long Island University Hospital.
Hazardous Condition/Aided- Female fell while walking on the East Seawall, reports a hole in the ground caused her to trip. Refused medical attention.
Open Container- Detectives observed two female consuming alcohol in public, subjects were summoned.
Arrest/Possession of blade greater than 4 inch/ trespass- Subjects were inside public bathroom with a strong smell of illegal substance emitting from it. Subjects had a knife, they were arrested, summonsed and released.
0700 hours 05/30/09- 0700 hours 05/31/09
Missing Person- Teenage male reported missing, search made with negative results. Male walked into PSD and escorted home.
Aided- Yellow cab passenger male EDP fled cab without payment male was found. NYPD and EMS responded. Aided was transported to hospital.
Missing Bike- Female entered PSD to report a missing bike last parked at 455 Main St.
Disorderly Conduct - PSD responded to North Town park for dispute over baseball field 1 male subject arrested, summons and released.
Criminal Mischief- PSD responded Motorgate for report of vehicle window broken. Search was made with negative results. Motorgate attendant notified and found no vehicle info.
0700 hrs 05/31/09 - 0700 hrs 06/01/09
Graffiti - PSD responded to report of graffiti written in chalk. Search was made with negative results. Grounds cleaned up graffiti.
Verbal Dispute - Between two females. PSD responded and spoke to both parties. Both parties went their own way without further incident.
Reckless Endangerment - Female complainant reported to PSD that unknown person threw out a piece of iron out of window. PSD conducted search with negative results. No injuries.
Restraining Order - Female reported to PSD that she had a male subject inside apartment and had a restraining order against him. PSD responded and male subject was allowed to get his belongings and leave. Reporter will provide PSD with copy of order.
Criminal Mischief - PSD responded to hallway next to apartment for report of youths trashing hallway. Youths were gone on arrival. Youths scratched walls with razor causing paint to peel. Super was notified.
Burglary - Tenant reported to PSD that someone broke into his apartment while he was away. Three game systems and two lap tops were taken. No signs of forced entry. NYPD was on scene and took a report.
0700 hrs 06/01/09 - 0700 hrs 06/02/09
Grand Larceny - Worker reported to PSD that unknown person took wallet from locker room. PSD made search with negative results. Cameras were viewed with negative results. Wallet contained credit cards and no money. Victim stated he will go to 114 pct. on his own.
Petit Larceny - PSD responded to group home for past Petit Larceny. Subject was on scene and taken into custody. Subject was taken to 114 pct. and processed by NYPD.
Investigation/Recovered Bike - Tenant reported to PSD that two youths took bike from patio and attempted to leave with it. Owner grabbed bike. Youths fled without bike. PSD searched area with negative results.
Aided - RIOC bus door closed on aided's arm while exiting the bus. PSD responded and aided stated she had no injuries and refused medical attention.
Unsecured Premises - PSD noticed open window to an apartment. Super was notified and secured location. Apartment is vacant.
Lost Property - Owner came into PSD to report lost bracelet. Report was taken.
Public Urination - PSD officer observed subject urinating in public. Summons was issued and subject released.
Aided - Female aided reported to PSD that she was not feeling well. EMS transported aided to hospital.
0700 hrs 06/02/09 - 0700 hrs 06/03/09
Lift Job - PSD and NYPD assisted elderly male off floor. No injuries and refused medical attention.
Criminal Mischief - PSD officer observed scratches on door. Search was made with negative results. Photos taken.
Alcohol: Open Container - PSD officers observed two male subjects drinking in public. Subjects were issued summonses and released.
Arrest Possession of Marijuana - PSD observed four male subjects smoking a marijuana cigar. All subjects were issued summonses and released.
0700 hrs 06/03/09 - 0700 hrs 06/04/09
Papers served - Female reporter requested family court papers served to male subject. PSD officer served papers without incident.
Graffiti - PSD officer observed graffiti at construction site. Search of area was conducted with negative results. Photos taken.
Investigation - Resident reported that his apartment was burglarized and laptop and DVD player were missing. No signs of forced entry and NYPD refused.
Aided - Male aided twisted wrist while playing baseball. PSD and EMS responded. Aided transported to hospital.
Assault - Mother walked into PSD to report that her daughter was assaulted by male youth inside of school. Mother states daughter was previously harassed by same youth. School is aware of situation. Mother took daughter to hospital for evaluation.
0700 hrs 06/04/09 - 0700 hrs 06/05/09
Investigation - Tenant reported to PSD that after returning from church, she noticed her purse containing money and jewelry missing from her apartment. PSD responded and found no force entry. NYPD refused.
Investigation - Tenant reported to PSD that unknown person is throwing objects onto her patio. PSD will monitor area.
Aided/Intoxicated - PSD responded to report male on ground. Male appeared to be intoxicated. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Unsecured Vehicle - PSD observed unsecured vehicle in the parking garage. Owner was contacted and stated vehicle was in order.
Arrest - PSD officer observed male subject wanted previously exiting apartment. Subject was taking into custody and taken to 114 pct for arrest processing.
Criminal Mischief - Unknown subject broke glass to hallway door causing it to shatter. PSD responded and made search with negative results. Super was notified and cleaned up glass.
Aided/Intoxicated - PSD observed male on ground and attempted to wake him up. Male didn't responded and EMS was called. When EMS arrived, male got up and stated he was drinking and walked to his building. Aided refused any medical attention.
0700 hrs 06/05/09 - 0700 hrs 06/06/09
Verbal Dispute - Between mother and son. Mother requested son to leave. NYPD was on scene and allowed son to retrieve his property and escorted out of building. Referred incident to court.
Damaged Railing - At Tram was damaged by unknown person. Area was cautioned off.
Lost Property - Owner reported to PSD that she left her wallet in store and when she returned it was gone. Store owner stated he didn't see wallet.
Harassment - PSD officers observed two females in verbal dispute. Victim reported other female keeps following her. NYPD was on scene and filed report for harassment.
Hazardous Condition - Reporter stated tarp separating RI Bridge walkway and the river had fallen onto the walkway. DOT was notified. PSD secured tarp temporarily.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for aided. Aided reported chest pains and was transported to hospital.
0700 hrs 06/06/09 - 0700 hrs 06/07/09
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for aided. Aided was having abdominal pain and was transported to hospital.
Domestic Dispute - PSD responded to apartment for Domestic Dispute between father and daughter. NYPD on scene. NYPD spoke to both parties. NYPD didn't file report. No injuries reported.
Aided - Female aided fell injuring wrist. EMS on scene and aided was transported to hospital.
Vehicle Accident - Vehicle backed into parked vehicle causing minor damage. NYPD was on scene and filed report. No injuries.
Lost Property - Tram employee found American Express gift card. Property secured at PSD.
0700 hrs 06/07/09 - 0700 hrs 06/08/09
Assault - Male Victim assaulted by male subject. Male subject fled scene. Victim was transported to hospital. NYPD filed report.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded to apartment for aided. Elderly female was having diabetic attack. Aided was transported to hospital.
Aided - PSD responded to man on the ground. Man was not responsive upon arrival and EMS was called. Before EMS arrived, aided got up and went to his apartment. Aided refused medical attention.
Aided - PSD observed NYPD and EMS front of building. NYPD reported receiving call of unconscious baby. Baby was conscious when EMS arrived. Baby was transported to hospital.
Reckless Endangerment - Report of unknown person threw object out of window. PSD responded and made search with negative results. No injuries.
Criminal Mischief- Tenant reported to PSD that screen on her window was broken and window was open. Reporter stated there does not appear to be anything missing from bedroom. NYPD was refused and will notify service.
Aided/Water Rescue - Boat was in distress. NYPD and FDNY was on scene. Boat was dragged to pier in Queens.
Gas Leak - PSD and Super responded to apartment for possible gas leak. Super corrected condition and secured apartment.
Unsecured Premises - PSD officer found door unsecured. No signs of forced entry or damages. Interior appeared to be in order.
Aided - PSD and EMS responded for possible aided. Aided stated she was not feeling well. Aided transported to hospital.