Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pooping Pigeons Continue To Plauge Roosevelt Island F Subway Station- Keep Your Head Down!

Roosevelt Island F Subway Station Rafters Filled With Pigeon Droppings
Be careful not to look up into the rafters of the Roosevelt Island F Train subway station when entering because you might get a big disgusting surprise plopped right in your face. Pooping pigeons continue to plauge the Roosevelt Island F Train subway station with their droppings.

Yesterday's scene at the F Train entrance was particularly vile. (Click on the images for full impact). Fortunately, the turnstyle droppings were cleaned up later that day.

Roosevelt Island F Subway Station Turnstle Bird Droppings

The MTA keeps performance metrics on such quality issues as on time train performance, crime, passenger overcrowding and escalator maintenance. Perhaps they should add a metric for disgusting pigeon poop? If they do, Roosevelt Island would certainly fail big time in this category!

Pigeon Waiting For F Train At Roosevelt Island Subway Station