Friday, August 28, 2009

Report From RIOC's President - Board Nominees, Southpoint Park Projects, Tram Modernization, Riverwalk Status, Paperless Board & Other RI Issues

Image of Paper Stack From PopSci

RIOC President Steve Shane sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents. Mr. Shane addresses issues on RIOC Board Nominees, FDR Memorial, Green Rooms/Wild Gardens, Renwick Stabilization, Tram Overhaul, various construction projects, paperless RIOC Board meetings and other issues of concern to Roosevelt Island
August 25, 2009

The WIRE is back from summer vacation and the rain has stopped, so RIOC can report on the following:

1. Board of Directors: No meetings scheduled during the summer. The nominations of Margie Smith and Mike Shinozaki to the Board have been made by the Governor and forwarded to the NY State Senate for confirmation. They would replace Charlee Miller and Patrick Stewart. Dr. Grimm has been re-nominated. Given the state of the Senate, nothing has happened as to their confirmations.
2. Southpoint: As to the projects:
(A) Renwick Ruins: Stabilization completed and building secured. More ornamental fencing to be installed when adjacent projects completed.
(B) Green Rooms/Wild Gardens: The contractor continues rough grading, paths and stone walls. Phase 2 to complete the park, including finish grading, capping, and utilities, fencing and planting to follow.
(C) FDR Memorial: Following Board Project approval in June, RIOC is working with the State’s Parks Department and the City to work out funding mechanics for the $4 million State appropriation, the matching $4 million from the City and at least $8 million from FERI as necessary for Phase I. DEC permitting being integrated with GR/WG. Legal work on finalizing development relationship is in the pipeline.
3. Tram Overhaul: The schedule is for shutdown March 1, 2010 and reopening end of August 2010. See renderings of the proposed Tram stations on our web site. We continue to have regular monthly progress meetings with architects, engineers, POMA, expediters, City and State agencies, etc., all to move to an orderly execution of the project. Meanwhile, to assure continued operations, rope inspections are scheduled for September and brakes and hydraulics for October.
4. Projects: Work is ongoing on many projects and others are being completed. New Public Safety space should be done right after Labor Day. Motorgate lighting trials continue and the resurfacing and waterproofing work has begun. AVAC fencing and enclosure under way. Repair of ramp on the helix finished, but there will be further long term repairs needed. Swimming pool at Sportspark will be closed for repairs after Labor Day to be reopened 6-8 weeks later. Rehabilitation of the gym and installation of a fire safety system also about to begin.
5. Bank: Amalgamated Bank’s takeover of the NYNB space is completed and the branch officially opened as of July 20.
6. Southtown Buildings 5 and 6 have reached “substantial completion” and occupancy has commenced. Developers made a $16 million + payment on reaching this milestone. On a Net Present Value basis over the remaining 59 years of the lease, RIOC will bring about $275,000 per year into income. The balance has been deposited into and will be held in the Capital Reserve. Opening of the Riverwalk Bar & Grill adds another dimension to the commons. Tram turnaround fountain is operational. Landscaping coming.
7. Basketball: The Youth Center and the Public Safety basketball teams met and in a fiercely fought contest, the Youth Center prevailed. A few bruises, much fun and sportsmanship.
8. Bridge: The NYC Department of Transportation has notified us that the reconstruction work requiring complete closure of the bridge to vehicular and pedestrian traffic during July was completed without incident. DOT is now conducting sporadic testing of the bridge resulting in short closures during the late night periods. For those out late needing access, watch for the advisories from DOT. Good to see that the pedestrian access is almost completed.
9. Budget: In keeping with the Governor’s imperatives as to cost cutting and ecological correctness, to reduce paper, printing, postage and storage space, we are doing away with our Board books. After scanning to digital format, we will publish on disc or flash drive. To enable the Directors to review the materials at meetings, we are purchasing a dozen low level laptops which will be capable of displaying the materials. We will use the laptops for training as well.
This message was also published as the RIOC column in the 8/29/09 Main Street WIRE.