Monday, August 24, 2009

Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA Exhibits Works Of Artists With Cerebal Palsy Thru September 7 - Assembly Member Kellner Hosts Opening Reception

Image From Gallery RIVAA

The latest exhibit from Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA, titled Real People Realizing Potential, is featuring the works of artists with Cerebal Palsy.
Queens Centers for Progress, United Cerebral Palsy of New York City and Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State-Metro Services have joined to produce an exhibit of art work by people with disabilities. The exhibit will run from August 15 to September 7 at the Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association Galley (RIVAA). The show will feature paintings, sculpture, photography and other forms of art work created by people with disabilities supported and served by the three participating organizations...

... Over 80 works of art, produced by dozens of artists will be on display free of charge. Many of the pieces will be offered for sale, with proceeds of the sale going directly to the artist. For more information visit the websites of the participating agencies at QCP UCP or CPA of NYS
Assembly Member Micah Kellner was at the opening reception and reports:
On a beautiful August Thursday, I had the honor of serving as Master of Ceremonies at a ground-breaking art opening at the Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association Gallery (RIVAA), as over 80 stunning works of art created by artists with cerebral palsy went on display. The dozens of artists were joined by family members, friends, and supporters. As someone with cerebral palsy myself, this was an especially proud occasion for me....
Image of Assembly Member Kellner With Artist Octavia Lanford At Gallery RIVAA