New Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin Model Revealed - But Will America's Next Top Model Still Hit On Tram Passengers?
Le Journal Francais Des Etats-Unis shows us a model of the new Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin. According to the French paper:
Poma, société iséroise de remontées mécaniques, a été choisie pour rénover le téléphérique new-yorkais qui relie, au-dessus de l'East River, Manhattan à Roosevelt Island depuis 1976. Séduit par le projet et le savoir-faire français du leader mondial de transport par câble, l'État de New York a donné son autorisation pour débuter le chantier qui devrait être achevé à l'automne 2010...For those that don't read French, here is a translation courtesy of Google Translate:
Poma, Isère ski lift company, has been selected to renovate the cable that connects New York, above the East River, Manhattan to Roosevelt Island since 1976. Seduced by the project and the expertise of leading French global cable transport, the State of New York gave its approval to begin the construction to be completed in fall 2010...More on the work being done on the new Roosevelt Island Tram but will Americas Next Top Models still try to hit on riders in the new Tram Cabin?
Earlier versions of Tram Cabin designs here and here.
UPDATE 11;30 AM - A Reader is not happy with the Roosevelt Island typography on the side of the cabin and comments:
It looks fine - except the typography on the side. Now we're going to have to live with a poorly-kerned version of Verdana flying over the East River for the next 30 years.Would Arial be better, how about Helvetica? Perhaps a trip to the Typography Museum is in order?
UPDATE 3/22 - A Curbed reader knows where the design for the Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin came from - the 1960's TV show Lost In Space.
Now, lets all say together - Danger Will Robinson, Danger.