What To Do In The Event Of A New York City Apartment Building Workers Strike On Roosevelt Island - Manhattan Park Details Their Procedures
Will there be a strike of New York City, including Roosevelt Island, building workers tonight? According to DNA Info:
Negotiations between New York City's doormen and building owners are heading down to the wire as 30,000 doormen and building workers are set to strike at midnight Wednesday.Representatives from both sides were meeting Tuesday inside the New York Sheraton in Midtown.
"It's serious in there," said Matt Nerzig, Director of Communications for the worker's union. "There's a lot of talking going on, which is good. We still have a while before midnight so we'll see how it goes."
Mike Fishman, the head of 32BJ Service Employees International Union, and Howard Rothschild, the president of the Realty Advisory Board on Labor Relations, have been in talks since 9 a.m.
“Our negotiations for a new contract have continued throughout the day and we have made progress," Rothschild said in a brief statement to reporters at 3:30 p.m. at the Sheraton. "There are some major issues that need to be resolved.”
At the center of this dispute is the worker's demands for wage increases and health care. The worker's now make around $40,000 annually, though the Realty Advisory Board sees that number rising to $70,000 once benefits are included...
A strike would mean tenants are responsible for many tasks, including taking out the trash, accepting packages, lobby security and cleaning hallways.The NY Times reports:
...Officials on both sides said several issues remained to be resolved, including how much the workers’ pay would increase and whether they would have to contribute toward their health insurance. The owners contend that the recession has crimped their ability to afford a significant increase in labor costs, but the doormen’s union counters that the cost of living in the city has kept rising and its members need raises to cope.The strike would involve 30,000 doormen, porters, superintendents, elevator operators, handymen and janitors...
To: Manhattan Park ResidentsLet's hope this get settled before any strike!
From: Management
Date: March 29, 2010
Re: Local 32B-32J Contract Expiration and Possible Strike
Management has become aware that the union to which our building’s maintenance employees belong, Local 32B-32J, is possibly going on strike when its labor contract expires on April 20, 2010. This will be a union-wide strike that affects buildings throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn and Staten Island, not just Manhattan Park.
Although we hope that a labor strike can be avoided, all residents will need to be prepared for the effects a strike will have on building services. In the event of a strike, Manhattan Park will take certain emergency measures to insure the safety, health and welfare of all residents. All residents will need to cooperate to help keep common areas clean and to have patience with inconveniences that will be unavoidable during the strike. In the event that a strike occurs, please keep the following in mind:
In the event of a strike, management will make arrangements to provide lobby coverage. However, our temporary staff will not know everyone. In order for Management to maintain security to the building, we will issue ID cards to all residents. ID cards must be shown to lobby personnel in order to gain access to the building. These cards will be issued on the first day of the strike in each lobby.
Staff cannot announce visitors, accept deliveries (including UPS, Federal Express or Parcel Post) or hold anything for pick-up. Keys may not be left or picked-up at the concierge desk. Everyone must meet expected guests in the lobby and escort them to and from your apartment.
During a strike, it may not be possible to have repairs made that are not of an emergency nature. Management will try to remedy emergency situations as they arise. Outside contractors and repair personnel may be unwilling or unable to enter the building if there is a picket line outside. During a strike, cable services and the telephone company may not make repairs.
Garbage Disposal:
During a strike, there may be no bulk garbage pick up. Please take newspaper, cartons and recyclables to drop off dumpsters located between 20 & 30 River Road. Please do not force boxes, newspapers, cartons, etc. down the chute as this could damage the AVAC system. Do not throw recyclable items away with the regular trash because it is against the law.
Move-in/Move-out & Deliveries:
It may not be possible to authorize moving in or out or deliveries during a strike. Please make requests for use of the service elevator as far in advance as possible. Management will try to accommodate such requests.
Cleanliness of All Common Areas:
Please monitor hallways, elevators, lobby, laundry room, fitness room, playroom and all other common areas and do what you can to maintain cleanliness. You will need to pick up after yourself because there will be no maintenance staff to do it for you.
Laundry Room:
Please be aware of the proper use of laundry machines. It may be difficult to get service across picket lines if breakdown occurs.
Community Room:
Because of the strike, the room will not be available to rent for parties or other events.
With everyone’s cooperation we should be able to get through what may be a difficult period with the least possible disruption to daily life. Management will send updates to all residents as the situation evolves. For answers to your questions or help in emergencies, contact the Management Office.
Manhattan Park Management
UPDATE 4:40 PM - Responding to an inquiry regarding garbage disposal during a strike, Southtown's Related Riverwalk management reports:
They continue to put their garbage down the chute. Our recyclables will go out as they normally do via our private carting company.UPDATE 4/21-As we all know by now, the strike has been averted. Curbed had a minute by minute late night twitter feed on the situation and the NY Times reports on the eventual deal.
... The talks went right up to the midnight strike deadline, as they often have in the past, with the union resisting the owners’ demands for cuts in health care and other benefits. In the end, the owners agreed to a new four-year contract that includes a total pay increase of nearly 10 percent and no significant cuts in benefits for the workers, an official with the union, Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union, said.
In exchange, the union agreed to try to help the owners find ways to reduce the cost of providing the workers’ health benefits by $70 million annually starting in 2012...