Thursday, April 22, 2010

Roosevelt Island Good Times At Riverwalk Bar & Grill Karaoke Night With Jim Croce, The Eagles, Roger Miller and Special Guest Star Johnny Cash

Mike's Karaoke Version of Jim Croce's Operator

Didn't know that readers of this blog are so talented. Last night I met one, Mike, who did a wicked Karaoke version of Jim Croce's Operator at Riverwalk Bar & Grill's Wednesday Night Karaoke. Mike is also a pretty good photographer. He captured the eeriness of Motorgate Garage's interior scarecase - I mean staircase.

Here's more of Mike's pictures depicting Haunting Roosevelt Island and a You Tube Video of Jim Croce's Operator.

There were some other good Karaoke singers including a Zog Softball group's version of Hotel California and a great kick ass version of King of the Road by another duo. These older gents were good and so is this version of King of the Road by Johnny Cash and Roger Miller.

See you next time at Karaoke night.