Scenes From Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 PTA Art Show & Silent Auction - A Wonderful Event & Thanks For Communiity Support Says PTA President
Last Saturday's PS/IS 217 PTA Art Show & Silent Auction held in the school cafeteria was a great success and well attended by the Roosevelt Island community.
There was Arts & Crafts for the kids
and a silent auction for the adults to raise funds for the PTA.
Items available for bid include Japanese Personal Fans,

Memberships to both Manhattan Park & Westview Pools,

as well as classes at Island Kids and the Main St. Theatre & Dance Alliance, Arts Classes, Personal Training sessions, Salon Certificates, Gourmet Gift Baskets courtesy of FoodCellar & Trader Joe's, plus much more.

According to PS/IS 217 PTA President Nikki Leopold:
The PTA Art Show and Silent Auction was a huge success!! Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the PS/IS 217 parents and staff, we were able to raise approximately $4500 . The money raised will go to the PTA general funds which pays for everything from classroom science supplies to professional development for our teachers. We would also like to extend our thanks to the Roosevelt Island community for coming out in support of our local school. You played a huge part in making this event a success.Roosevelt Island's Assembly Member Micah Kellner stopped by to participate in the proceedings and speak with PTA President Nikki Leopold

as did Roosevelt Island Residents Association Island Services Committee Chairperson Aaron Hamburger.
More pictures and information available at The Roosevelt Island School G & T Class Blog - a wonderful resource for information about PS/IS 217.