Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officer Coyle Leaving To Join NYC Police Department - Good Luck & Thank You For Your Service!
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra reports that one of his officers
will be leaving Roosevelt Island to join the New York City Police Department.
From Mr. Guerra:
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Officer Daniel Coyle has been hired by the New York City Police Department and was sworn in on Tuesday July 6, 2010 to begin his training at the NYPD Police Academy. Officer Coyle was hired by RIOC on March 30, 2009. While employed here, he received the NEW YORK STATE PEACE OFFICER CERTIFICATION and his NYC SPECIAL PATROLMAN Status. Officer Daniel Coyle also received training which will be valuable to him while in the Police Academy. He received two Meritorious Service Commendations and one Life Saving Medal. Officer Coyle was an asset to the Roosevelt Island Community, and we are proud to wish him well in his new challenge.Good Luck Officer Coyle and thank you for your service!